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Most important selfie.

Most important selfie.


Most important SELFIE of my life in this gorgeous#paperponcho hospital gown. This outfit, unlike other outfits, can save your life!! The "c" word runs in my family. My great-grandmother passed away super young from breast cancer, my grandfather was my son's age when his mother died. My grandfather died few years ago from Leukemia (God bless his eternal memory.) I'm always scared to get a pap smear. This month our priority at Ooh La La Boutique Group is reminding women to get screened and connect them with financial assistance, dissolve financial, mental or social barriers to their healthcare. Instead of going to St.Lukes this year, I chose to schedule with Planned Parenthood for 3 reasons. 1) The stigma and misinformation their clinic discourages women from going to them for pap smears, STD testing, common health priorities. Fact is - abortions is only 3% of the services they provide. The rest is preventative health, mental and women's health check ups, and cervical and breast cancer screening. 2) High percentage of women, including self employed women in the Magic Valley are uninsured, Planned Parenthood provides FREE cervical and breast cancer appointments, along with other important preventive health services. Please, don't let financial hardship or lack of coverage keep you from taking care of yourself ladies. 3) I wanted to experience the clinic for myself to be able to honestly share with other women. I felt absolutely comfortable from the moment my friend and I got there. Their staff is extremely professional and private. As a local businesses woman I don't always feel comfortable going to local places for my private care or health concerns. Also as a free-individual, a woman, a mother, I don't appreciate being told how to believe or decide about my personal life and body. I felt my privacy respected by the staff at PP. I didn't feel any pressure or judgement about my reproductive, health or lifestyle choices, and most of all they answered my questions with unbiased information. Of all the Selfies my friends and clients share with me all year long, ones like this are my favorite. #Go #Get #Screened 💕🙌 #breastcancer#cervicalcancer #awareness #womenshealth#healthycommunity

— atPlanned Parenthood of Idaho in.

Vintage Weddings 2019

Every girl deserves to go to prom.

Every girl deserves to go to prom.