Happy 10th Birthday Ooh La La!
HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY to Ooh La La! "Idaho's Most Adorable and Affordable Boutique!" 🎂❤🎂❤🎂❤🎂❤🎂 La La Land 🎂❤🎂❤🎂❤🎂❤🎂 In 2006, while flying back to the U.S. from Amsterdam, I drafted a business plan on a cocktail napkin. With zero capital, no business knowledge, a party lifestyle and a student loan debt to pay back... things did not look promising. I didn't know anything about networking, accounting, marketing or business, all I knew was there was a hunger in my heart for the American Dream. After talking to my family and close friends, I decided to take a risk in entrepreneurship. Moved back to the community that adopted me as a refugee, Twin Falls Idaho and in January 2007 Ooh La La was born! My family didn't understand the concept for Ooh La La, neither did any of the area bankers "sustainable business, consignment, eco-fashion, shared economies" was "not in demand" according to their research. Still my family trusted my judgement and vision, they had my back from day one. When opportunity doesn't come knocking, build your own door! There were many, MANY bad days - I never learned anything from a good day. 2007 & 2008 were probably the worse years in modern history to open a business. Surprised I didn't grow gray hair. The recession tested my passion, teaching me the greatest lessons in the real-life university of business. I distanced myself from anyone that diluted, doubted or discouraged my focus, and surrounded myself only with the most loyal, positive, supportive people who challenged, encouraged and pushed me towards my goals. Ten years in business doesn't just happen overnight, you have to build each and every day. I am deeply thankful for the patience and support that my whole tribe showed me during the most difficult years in business, swaying the haters out of my way. You know who you are, and I'll always remember your loyalty. 💯<3 Blessed to be surrounded by wise business mentors who celebrated and corrected me along the way. Grateful to all the local and national artists who took the risk with me in those first years!!! Grateful for the employees who have become family! We did it! Most importantly, I thank our first 36 consignors in 2007 who believed in a young, foreign, party girl who new nothing about business. You are my first investors. Thank you, to each and every client since then, for playing a major role in building Ooh La La every step of the way. Thank you, to all of our local and out of State clients for making Ooh La La part of your green, shopping lifestyle. THIS ACCOMPLISHMENT BELONGS TO YOU! You inspire me. I dedicate this 10th year birthday to each of you! You understood the vision of sustainability in style, the value in shopping consignment, the minimizing of factory production and environmental waste, the importance of supporting local jewelry and clothing artists, as well as the future of shared economies. Thank you believing in Ooh La La, and choosing to shop with us year after year! It has been the most beautiful and FUN journey! If you dream it, you can build it in this country! Cheers to many more decades in business, and Happy 10th birthday to "Idaho's Most Adorable and Affordable Boutique!" that you co-created! <3 I dedicate this post to my parents who came to this country with nothing, who taught me to pray, dream and work ethic. 😘💋 #HappyBirthday #OohLaLa #TenYear#Anniversary #AmericanDream #RefugeeDream #smallbusiness #passion#dedication #workethic #hustlehard #stayhumble #focused #lovemyclients#dreamcareer #lovemyfamily #blessed #grateful #mompreneur#entrepreneur #lovemytribe #mentors #sustanability #ecobusiness#2017goals #soar #create #empower #thisisTwinFalls #thisisIdaho